
The basic concept of vikunja is to run an algorithm with an operator over a range of elements.

  • The algorithm specifies how the elements of one ore more input ranges are accessed and what kind of operator is applied on it. The algorithm also determines the shape of the result. Examples are:

    • Transform: Takes a range of elements as input, applies an operator to each element, and writes the result to an output range.

    • Reduce: Takes a range of elements as input and returns a single element. The reduce operator takes two elements of the input range, applies an operation to them, and returns a single element. The operator is applied up to the point where only one element remains.

    • For more examples see: Algorithm

  • An operator describes an algorithm which is applied to one (unary operator) or two (binary operator) elements and returns a result. The following examples assume that i is the first and j the second input element:

    • sum: return i+j;

    • double of an element: return 2*i;

    • For more information see: Operators

/* Copyright 2021 Hauke Mewes, Simeon Ehrig
 * This file is part of vikunja.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at

#include <vikunja/transform/transform.hpp>

#include <alpaka/alpaka.hpp>

#include <iostream>

int main()
    // Define the accelerator.
    // The accelerator decides on which processor type the vikunja algorithm will be executed.
    // The accelerators must be enabled in the CMake build to be available.
    // It is possible to choose from a set of accelerators:
    // - AccGpuCudaRt
    // - AccGpuHipRt
    // - AccCpuThreads
    // - AccCpuFibers
    // - AccCpuOmp2Threads
    // - AccCpuOmp2Blocks
    // - AccOmp5
    // - AccCpuTbbBlocks
    // - AccCpuSerial
    using Acc = alpaka::AccCpuSerial<alpaka::DimInt<1u>, std::uint64_t>;

    // Create a device that executes the algorithm.
    // For example, it can be a CPU or GPU Nr. 0 or 1 in a multi-GPU system.
    auto const devAcc(alpaka::getDevByIdx<Acc>(0u));
    // The host device is required if the devAcc does not use the same memory as the host.
    // For example, if the host is a CPU and the device is a GPU.
    auto const devHost(alpaka::getDevByIdx<alpaka::PltfCpu>(0u));

    // All algorithms must be enqueued so that they are executed in the correct order.
    using QueueAcc = alpaka::Queue<Acc, alpaka::Blocking>;
    QueueAcc queueAcc(devAcc);

    // Dimension of the problem. 1D in this case (inherited from the Accelerator).
    using Dim = alpaka::Dim<Acc>;
    // The index type needs to fit the problem size.
    // A smaller index type can reduce the execution time.
    // In this case the index type is inherited from the Accelerator: std::uint64_t.
    using Idx = alpaka::Idx<Acc>;
    // Type of the user data.
    using Data = uint64_t;

    // The extent stores the problem size.
    using Vec = alpaka::Vec<Dim, Idx>;
    Vec extent(Vec::all(static_cast<Idx>(1)));
    extent[0] = static_cast<Idx>(6400);

    // Allocate memory for the device.
    auto deviceMem(alpaka::allocBuf<Data, Idx>(devAcc, extent));
    // The memory is accessed via a pointer.
    Data* deviceNativePtr = alpaka::getPtrNative(deviceMem);
    // Allocate memory for the host.
    auto hostMem(alpaka::allocBuf<Data, Idx>(devHost, extent));
    Data* hostNativePtr = alpaka::getPtrNative(hostMem);

    // Initialize the host memory with 1 to .
    for(Idx i = 0; i <; ++i)
        hostNativePtr[i] = static_cast<Data>(i + 1);

    // Copy data to the device.
    alpaka::memcpy(queueAcc, deviceMem, hostMem, extent);

    // Use a lambda function to define the transformation function.
    auto doubleNum = [] ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC(Data const& i) { return 2 * i; };

        devAcc, // The device that executes the algorithm.
        queueAcc, // Queue in which the algorithm is enqueued.
        extent[Dim::value - 1u], // Problem size
        deviceNativePtr, // Input memory
        deviceNativePtr, // Output memory
        doubleNum // Operator

    // Copy the data back to the host for validation.
    alpaka::memcpy(queueAcc, hostMem, deviceMem, extent);

    Data resultSum = std::accumulate(hostNativePtr, hostNativePtr +, 0);

    Data expectedResult = ( * ( + 1));

    std::cout << "Testing accelerator: " << alpaka::getAccName<Acc>() << " with size: " << << "\n";
    if(expectedResult == resultSum)
        std::cout << "Transform was successful!\n";
        std::cout << "Transform was not successful!\n"
                  << "expected result: " << expectedResult << "\n"
                  << "actual result: " << resultSum << std::endl;

    return 0;